Benefits of Exfoliation Scrub

Exfoliation: Types, Benefits, and Risks

Is your skin feeling rough and looking dull? Perhaps it’s even a bit scaly. Well, that's likely because of all those dead skin cells on your skin's surface, thanks to no or irregular exfoliation! Wait, exfoliation? Removing dead skin cells? What is all this about?

Exfoliation is like giving your skin a good scrub, clearing away dead cells. Not only does it help your skin renew itself faster, but it also keeps your pores clear. Plus, it ensures your fancy skincare products actually do their job better. 

But how to exfoliate skin? Is it that important? How to choose the best exfoliating scrub for your face? How often should you exfoliate your skin? And what if you don't? Well, stick around as we answer it all for you, along with a few more things you might want to watch out for.

Types of Exfoliation 

Exfoliation comes in two primary forms: physical and chemical. So, whether you're getting rid of dead skin with a scrub or letting acids do the work, there's something out there for you. Here's a brief about both of them. 

benefits types of exfoliation

Physical Exfoliation

Have you ever used a gritty body scrub or brush to scrub away the gunk on your face? Well, that's physical exfoliation in action! It's giving your skin a little scrubbing session to get rid of dead skin cells on the surface. The result: no rough patches, congested pores, and flakiness. 

The good thing? You've got a handful of physical exfoliants to choose from to reveal bright skin. Here are some of your options:

  • Your traditional facial exfoliating scrub, which is packed with gritty ingredients like sugar or crushed nuts. It scrubs away dead cells and stimulates circulation.
  • Then there are exfoliating brushes and loofahs, perfect for shedding off rough patches without being too harsh. 
  • And the exfoliating gloves, too. They offer convenience and control with targeted exfoliation in the shower. 
  • But if you're feeling fancy, then there are microdermabrasion gadgets. These gadgets take things up a notch, giving you that super-smooth skin feeling.

When applied to the skin, physical exfoliants manually loosen and lift dead skin cells from the surface. Plus, the scrubbing action gets your blood flowing and speeds up the skin's renewal process, leaving you with a glowy complexion. 

But you must go easy on the pressure. Also, note that the best face scrub products come with super-fine particles. Why? To avoid irritating or scratching your skin. After all, you're aiming for smoothness, not sore!

Chemical Exfoliation

Instead of scrubbing away like physical exfoliants do, chemical exfoliation dissolves dead skin cells with chemical compounds. They get into your skin and break apart the bonds holding dead cells in place, making them easier to shed. This method can tackle everything from acne to dark spots and even signs of aging. 

Whether you're battling breakouts or just want a gentle glow, you can choose the best facial exfoliating scrub ingredients for you. The following are some action-packed ingredients you will come across:

  • You've got AHAs like glycolic and lactic acids. They loosen up the bonds between dead skin cells, giving your skin a fresh, renewed look. 
  • There are BHAs, with the star player being salicylic acid. They dive right into your pores to clear out gunk and banish acne. 
  • Enzymes from fruits like papaya and pineapple dissolve dead skin cells with a soft touch. As a result, they are perfect for sensitive skin types. 

Chemical exfoliants go straight to the source. How? Well, they break down the proteins that glue dead skin cells together. This makes them easy pickings for a quick rid-off, leaving your skin feeling fresh and renewed. 

Benefits of Exfoliation

Skin exfoliation is a must-do for anyone looking to amp up their skincare. Here's why:

Removes Dead Skin Cells

Don't you think exfoliation is like giving your skin a small makeover? After all, when you scrub away dead skin cells, your skin feels as smooth as silk and looks seriously glow. No rough patches and uneven texture, just softer-than-ever skin!

But wait, there's more! Once those dead cells are out of the way, your skincare products can really get down to work. With no barrier to hold them back, they can get into your skin, delivering active ingredients right where they're needed.  

Stimulates Skin Renewal

Exfoliation speeds up your skin's natural renewal process. It pushes your skin to shed old, tired cells and make way for the newbies. The result? Fresher, younger-looking skin that's got that bounce-back factor!

But exfoliation isn't just about getting rid of the old. It also ramps up collagen production. But what's collagen? Well, it's the protein that keeps your skin looking firm and elastic. This results in firmer, more youthful-looking skin over time.

Prevents Clogged Pores and Acne

When you regularly exfoliate your skin, you get rid of trapped oil, dirt, and debris from the pores. This means no more clogged pores, which means no more blackheads, whiteheads, or other annoying acne issues.

Plus, keeping pores clean and kicking bacteria to the curb prevents acne. So you don't get unwanted visitors like pimples, cysts, and nodules. With regular exfoliation on your side, you're on track for clearer, healthier skin with way fewer blemishes. 

Improves Hyperpigmentation and Uneven Skin Tone

Exfoliation is also a pro at tackling dark spots and uneven skin tone. How? Well, it helps your skin shed the melanin-rich cells that are causing all the trouble. This makes way for a more even distribution of pigment. The result? A brighter, more uniform complexion!

Exfoliation doesn't stop there — it also evens out your skin tone and kicks out blotchiness. When it clears out dead, discolored cells, you get a smoother, more balanced complexion that's camera-ready! 

Risks and Considerations

Sure, exfoliation is awesome for your skin, but don't go overboard! Too much of it can lead to trouble. Just exfoliate wisely and watch out for any potential risks or issues. Here's how to scrub skin by considering the following risks:


Signs you've gone a bit overboard include your skin feeling more sensitive, reddish, and maybe even a tad irritated. It might even start acting out, getting all dry and flaky, or feeling uncomfortably tight. Of course, you don't want that!

This way, over-exfoliation can mess with your skin's protective layer. It invites inflammation and tiny tears. Thus making your skin open for whatever the environment throws at it. Plus, if you've got acne or rosacea, overdoing exfoliation can just make things worse. So, remember, just a little exfoliation goes a long way.

Sensitivity and Irritation

Do you have sensitive skin? If yes, we have some bad news. Certain exfoliating ingredients with abrasive particles or chemical compounds like AHAs and BHAs could leave your skin feeling all kinds of unhappy. So, you may experience redness, itching, stinging, or even a burning sensation.

But don't worry! Here's what you can do:

  • Go for exfoliants made specifically for sensitive skin. 
  • Before you go all-in with a new product, always do a patch test first. Just a tiny dab on a small area to make sure your skin's cool with it. 
  • Take it slow; no need to rush into things! Start with just a little exfoliation and see how your skin reacts. 
  • Don't go harsh on your skin with scrubbing tools. Your skin's delicate, so treat it with care. 

Sun Sensitivity

Here's a heads-up: After exfoliating, your skin might feel a bit more sensitive to sunlight than usual. Chemical exfoliants, like AHAs and BHAs, can make your skin more prone to sunburn and UV damage. 

So, before you go all under the sun, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, as per your skin type. Don't forget to reapply every couple of hours, especially if you're soaking up rays for a while. 

How to Incorporate Exfoliation into Your Skincare Routine

Exfoliation is a super-important skincare step. And like with any skincare step, there's the right way to do it. So, here are a few guidelines to help you introduce exfoliation to your skincare routine:

Frequency Guidelines

If your skin is a bit oily or you're prone to breakouts, exfoliate 2-3 times a week. That'll help keep pores clear and pimples at bay. 

What about normal or combination skin? 1-2 times a week should do the trick. It'll help maintain that nice balance and keep your complexion looking smooth and even. But if your skin is a bit dry or sensitive, take it easy and exfoliate just once a week or even less often. 

Remember to pay attention to your skin's response and adjust the frequency accordingly. You don't want to strip away too much or stir up any irritation, right? So, if you notice any signs of irritation — like redness, stinging, or feeling a bit tender — cut down on how often you're exfoliating.  

Choosing the Right Exfoliant

There are a few things to think about when picking the perfect exfoliating scrub for your face, such as your skin type. For example:

  • If you're dealing with oily skin or breakouts, reach for salicylic acid or willow bark extract. 
  • Go for exfoliating scrubs with Jojoba beads, coffee, or bamboo extracts for normal skin type.
  • If your skin's on the drier or more sensitive side, go for something gentler, like lactic acid or an enzyme-based exfoliant. 

Next, take a closer look at the ingredients of a body scrub for women:

  • AHAs, like glycolic acid, are your go-to for smoothing out fine lines and saying no to sun damage. 
  • BHAs, like salicylic acid, are the best when it comes to clearing out pores and tackling acne.
  • Want a natural approach? Go for enzymatic exfoliants derived from fruits; they'll give you gentle, effective exfoliation.

When picking out your exfoliant, don't just grab the first one you see! Take a second to scan that ingredient list and make sure it's the right match for your skin type and issues. 

Skip anything with harsh stuff like abrasive particles or ingredients that might cause irritation. And, of course, you know the drill with the patch-test! Keeping all of this and more in mind, ILEM JAPAN has created its own range of exfoliants. Here's a quick sneak peek for you! 

Face & Body Scrub

Know how we were talking about keeping it gentle and natural? Well, this luxurious scrub is all about that. 

It combines the power of three iconic ingredients to gently exfoliate, soothe, and rejuvenate your complexion. We're talking about Japanese Uji Tea, Corn Cobb Powder, and Goji Berry Stem Cells. 

Plus. its scrub beads are super soft, yet get the work done for you. They are specially derived from natural Konjac (Glucomannan). And the formula? Well, the light, creamy scrub is infused with fresh scents of lemongrass and mint to leave your skin feeling fresh and young. 

face body scrub

Konjac Sponges

These are other kinds of physical exfoliants we have. Think of them as exfoliating tools like the exfoliating glove and loofah. Their pH levels typically mirror that of your skin to avoid any irritation. Plus, the texture is slightly graining, not too much, providing gentle exfoliation for the skin. 

konjac sponge

And the best part? We have it in 4 varieties for you to choose from. They are:

  • White 
  • Green tea
  • Charcoal 
  • Japanese Yuzu

    types of konjac sponge

Step-by-Step Exfoliation Routine

Here's how to do exfoliation of skin:

  1. Start with clean, damp skin to enhance the efficacy of the exfoliant and minimize irritation. 
  2. Get a gentle cleanser and give your face a good wash to remove makeup, dirt, and excess oil.
  3. Next, take your exfoliant. Whether you're using your fingertips or a brush, apply a small amount to your skin.
  4. Massage on! Gently work the exfoliant into your skin using circular motions. 
  5. Focus on areas prone to dryness, congestion, or uneven texture, but avoid the delicate eye area.
  6. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry with a soft towel.
  7. Apply a moisturizer to replenish hydration and soothe the skin after exfoliation.


Exfoliation helps you get rid of dead cells and gives your complexion a fresh start. Whether you're scrubbing away with physical exfoliants or letting chemical ones do their thing, the benefits are smoother texture, unclogged pores, fading pigmentation, and a much-desired youthful glow.

But, of course, you've got to play it wisely. So, be mindful of how to scrub your skin. Pick the right products for your skin type and adjust your exfoliation frequency accordingly. Make exfoliation part of your skincare routine to get smoother, brighter skin. 

With consistent effort and a gentle touch, you'll get skin that's not just glowing today but for years to come. 

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